
The Annual Conference Of BIM Serbia Association
The first annual conference of the BIM Serbia Association, which took place on November 8, 2018, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Belgrade, was attended by more than 135 participants from both the country and abroad.

The conference brought together lecturers from Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, the UAE, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. The special guest of the conference was Marina Karolj, a significant representative of building SMART organization of Russia and director of the company Concurator, as one of the individuals who contributed the most to the BIM standardization in Russian Federation.

The conference was opened by the President of the Assembly of the BIM Srbija Association, Mr. Boban Djordjevic, and the attendees were welcomed by the doc. Dr Mihailo Jovanovic, Director of the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment, Branislav Bandic, Assistant of the Provincial Secretary for Economy of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, prof. Dr Darko Stefanović, Vice Dean for Science and International Cooperation at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, and doc. Dr Budimir Sudimac, Vice-Dean for Finance and Economic Cooperation of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade.

Mr. Veljko Janjic, President of BIM Serbia, presented at the conference the plans of the Association and the strategy of standardization of BIM in Serbia. The central session of the conference included a presentation by Ms. Marina Korolj on the BIM standardization process in Russia, followed by a round table discussion on the implementation of BIM in the region. The conference encompassed several very interesting presentations of BIM solutions and implementation of BIM on projects.

You can download the complete Conference Agenda here.

We thank all the participants and lecturers, as well as the golden sponsors of the conference - Bexel Consulting, TeamCAD, Baldini Studio and hiCAD, who supported us in organizing a very successful BIM conference.

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hiCAD se bavi BIM tehnologijom na ovim prostorima od 1995. godine. Generalni smo zastupnik ARCHICAD-a, koji je više od 30 godina svetski lider u BIM tehnologiji, kao i drugih BIM softverskih rešenja koja se koriste u svim granama i fazama građevinske industrije. Čime se bavimo Bavimo se: Implementacijom, uvođenjem BIM softverskih rešenja u radni proces Obukom korisnika Tehničkom podrškom korisnicima Izdavanjem literature na srpskom jeziku BIM menadžmentom BIM konsultantskim uslugama Izradom softverskih dodataka i bibliotečkih GDL elemenata za ARCHICAD Izradom posebnih BIM softverskih rešenja, baza podataka i procedura za specifične potrebe klijenta Spoljnom saradnjom na razradi BIM projekata Prodajom BIM softvera
World of BIM je kompanija koja aktivno učestvuje u modernizaciji građevinske indstrije kroz potencijal koji BIM nudi na polju efektivnije raspodele vremena i finansijskih sredstava, veće transparentnosti, i sveukupnom poboljšanju kvaliteta projekta. Želimo da prikažemo tržištu sve prednosti koje BIM donosi Vašim projektima kroz razvoj, obradu i analizu inteligentnih modela. Imamo iskustva sa projektima kako na domaćim, tako i na inostranim tržišima. World of BIM je kompanija osnovana u Beogradu, marta 2019. godine. je kompanija osnovana 2002. godine koja se bavi arhitektonskim projektovanjem, građevinskim i MEP dizajnom kao i izvođenjem građevinskih radova i dizajnom i produkcijom nameštaja. U današnje vreme, kada se arhitektura smatra vodećom profesijom dok su u pitanju integrisane inženjerske struke, i savremeni dizajn, se smatra ostvarenom kompanijom koja već 18 godina uspešno radi na nacionalnim i internacionalnim projektima. Od trenutka osnivanja, je otvorio svoje kancelarije i predstavništva u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori i Republici Severnoj Makedoniji, a trenutno broji približno 200 zaposlenih. je jedna od vodećih kompanija u regionu kada je u pitanju implementacija BIM standarda u proces projektovanja.